Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Proposal

Well, it would have been one year after Ryan and I started dating. We were on our way to Boise to spend Christmas with Ryan's family.
We left on the 23rd which would of been 2 days after our actually one year anniversary.

Anyways, the weather was really bad and we were driving Ryan's old Ford pickup. We make it to the Mackay Reservoir and Ryan says the truck is acting up. I'm like oh great. I am not a big fan on the cold at all.

So he gets out pops the hood and crawls under the truck to look at something. He yells for me to come out and help. I start cussing and complaining cause it is snowing and the wind is blowing. So I get to him I ask what he wanted from me? He said here hold this and he just brings his arm out from under the truck and he is holding a ring box.
I'm in shock. I didn't know what to say. Then he comes out from under the truck and makes and speech but I can't tell you what he said cause I was in such shock I don't remember. But I do remember him asking if I would marry him. Oh course me being in such shock the only thing I can say is sure (I still get made fun of for that). Oh course I cried too.

So we jump into the truck and start on our way again. As we get back on the highway I asked him, "OH what was wrong with the truck?"
He just laughs and says, "there wasn't anything wrong with to begin with."

Anyways, we make it to Boise later that night and he doesn't want to tell anyone yet. I say that's fine but that means I couldn't wear the ring.
We were staying at his grandma's house which she is super old fashion. Anyways, that night we were watching TV and Ryan, his mom, and his step-dad went out to smoke. When they come back in they are all happy asking to see the ring. So Ryan was telling some people he was just worried about his grandma.

Anyways as we were getting ready for bed we were trying to figure out the sleeping arrangements. See Ryan's grandma's house is 2 bed room. So Ryan's parents were to sleep on the pull-out bed, Ryan on the living room floor, and me in the spare bedroom. Well, Ryan didn't like this idea. He wanted to sleep on the floor on the room I was sleeping in. Since his Grandma gives into him so easy she said sure but he better stay there!
Well if you know Ryan you can guess what happened. He didn't stay on the floor. In the middle of the night he crawls into my bed which is only a twin size, but he said he was cold so I figured if he got out before his grandma woke up. He didn't. She comes in the wake us up to open presents and she didn't turn the light on at first cause where Ryan was suppose to be you could see him from the light of the hallway. She says, "Hmm I wonder where he could be?" Flips on the light, "That's what I thought." and walks out of the room.
Great Ryan and I ruined Christmas! OK not to that extent but like I said his grandma is old fashion meaning no sleeping together till your married and she didn't even know we were engaged yet.

Well Ryan got up before I did and I don't know what was said but I bet it wasn't the greatest.

Well the day after Christmas we had to go to the hospital cause Ryan's mom needed knee surgery. Anyways, Ryan and I went down to the gift shop to look around and I bent down to look at some books and Ryan thought I left so he went back upstairs. Well I call him and he said he went back thinking I was there. So we were meeting each other at the elevator and he says he told grandma about us getting married. I freaked!
Well, I get up there and i sit over by his grandma. She was working on a puzzle and didn't look up and just said, "So lets see this ring." I showed her the ring and she looks at me and says, "If you break his heart I will break your neck." NO shit she really said that. Just for the record I haven' got threatened sense.

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