Monday, June 29, 2009

The Christmas of Living Hell!

Well it was Christmas 2007 and we were living in Laramie, Wyoming at the time so Ryan could go to school at Wyo Tech. Well, the original plan was to stay in Laramie till Ryan was done with school. So for Christmas my family was going to fly down to see us, but my mom figured it would be too much to do that.

So, Ryan and I decide we are going to ride the bus home. Oh what a fun idea that was.

The plan started out as we would get on the bus in Laramie drive to Salt Lake City and get on another bus there that would drive us to Idaho Falls where we would meet my parents who would drive us to Challis. On the way home it would be the same but from Idaho Falls to Salt Lake and Salt Lake to Laramie. Sounds easy right.

Well, what happened was the first bus was to show up in Laramie at 1:00am. We were told to get there a hour early in case the bus to show up early. So we gt there at 12:00am. If you have ever been to Laramie, Wyoming you know it is colder then a grave diggers a**hole. So Ryan and I are sitting in his truck waiting due to the truck stop where the bus was to show up at was the only non 24-hour truck stop. Well Ryan's truck was also losing it's heater-coil which heats the heater. So we waited and waited with no heater. We wait there until 9:00am! that's 9 hours we sat there with no heater!!!! We then drive to the place where you get tickets in Laramie to find out where the hell the bus is. Well, guess where it was it was in Nebraska and wouldn't be in Laramie for another 3 days!

Ryan in his grandpa's semi truck

So Lucky for us Ryan's grandpa drives semi-trucks and he happen to be in Denver and had to come through Laramie to get back to Twin Falls. So, we hopped on with him and rode to Pocatello where we met up with Ryan's parent's boss who gave us a ride to Idaho Falls where we spent the day with his family. The next day, which happened to be Christmas Eve, my parents drove down and picked us up from there and drove us to Challis. the weather in Idaho

So you would think that was the worse part of our trip right? WRONG! So Christmas was fine with the family. We couldn't bring back all the stuff we got due to having to ride the bus.

We get to Idaho Falls to catch the bus there. we wait and we wait and we wait. It feel like dejau. Finally the bus shows up but(of course there's a but) there are only 3 seats left on this bus and 8 people need to get on. SO we get stuck waitting for a shuttle bus to come get the rest of us. That's another 30 minutes or so.

We finally get on the shuttle bus and we are on our way. We make it to Salt Lake in pretty good time I must say. We knew before hand that we would have a 2 hour wait until our next bus to take us to Laramie so we sat around.

When the time comes we get in line to go to Wyoming and Colorado. When the lady gets to us she asks where are we going. We tell her Laramie, Wyoming. She tells us oh this bus isn't going to Wyoming. Ryan asks why not? Wyoming is completely shut off due to snow. And we don't know when it will open up.

At this point I'm ready to cry, Ryan is pissed. He had to be back to school in 2 days and they are very strict on their policies.
So we wanted to visit my dear friend Cami when we came though anyways but we weren't going to due to the fact everything was so screwed up but now that Wyoming was all closed off we call her up asking if we could possible stay with her until the bus shows up. Oh course being the awesome friend that she is she lets us in.

Well we don't actually get to leave till New Years Eve. And normally if your bus gets delayed you get a like VIP boarding pass or something well our stupid driver from the shuttle bus didn't give us one so we have to wait for 2 bus loads of people to go before us. When we finally get on it is like 10:30pm and we had been stuck in Salt Lake for 3 days! We get put next to this really stinky guy(of course).

We got to fireworks on the way, which I guess you can say was the highlight of that part of the trip. We made it to Laramie about 4:00am. And we had no vechile at the bus stop due to meeting Ryan's grandpa at another truck stop. So we call up our friend and neighbor Steve. We ask if he will be able to pick us up? He says hold on. OK I can stand pretty straight I'll come get ya. Like I said it was New Years Eve so he was partying.

So he comes picks us up and we make it home finally! Once I get in the door I drop everything and go to bed for the rest of the day.

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