Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Cherries Prank Phone Call

Well when I was living in Laramie I worked at a place called Cherries Ice Cream and Grill. I loved that job and everyone I worked with. OK not everyone but for the most part everyone.

Anyways, we liked to play pranks on one another pretty often. One night when I was off I get a phone call from Cami who is at work. She says that I need to call back on the Cherries line and make a huge food order cause the cook Pat was laughing at her and one other girl working cause they were getting tons of ice cream orders and no food orders were coming in.

So I get my off the phone with her and I call Cherries. Pat answers the phone. I tell him I would like to place an order. He says go ahead. I tell him I want: one cowboy, 2 foot long chili cheese dogs, 5 chicken strip baskets. He stops me and asks what kind of sauce I want with those. I ask what kind do they have(that was one thing that drove all of us insane when people asked what sauces we had). He takes a deep breath like he is annoyed and says, honey mustard, ranch, sweet and sour, BBQ, and gravy. I tell him oh I would like one of each in each basket please. By this time he knows its a joke cause he is laughing and cussing. I tell him I would also like to choice deluxe burgers. He asks if I would like anything to drink I tell him and medium Pepsi. You want one drink for all this food?, he asked. Yup that's will do. He then asks what name i this for? I hadn't thought about a name so I'm all like, ummm uhhh Barbara(as I'm laughing). He says OK Barbara(Laughing) what time do you want to pick this up.
Now working at Cherries I knew what time pisses the cook off the most when you pick up your food. They close at 10:30pm so I say 10:15 and it was like 8:00 when I called. He says OK we'll have that ready for you(yeah right under his breath).

I hang up and wait for another 2minutes and call back. Pat answers and I says oh hi this is Barbara again( omg he says). I says I really hate to due this but I need to change the time of my order. What time he asks. Oh say around 9:00. OK fine. he hangs up. This is like 8:40 now.

Well Ryan was outside talking to 2 of his friends, Steve and Josh. Well I go out and tell them about the phone calls. So Josh grabs my phone and calls back. He gets Pat on the phone. He says," Hy is this Pat?" Pat says yes. "Well my wife just called and I don't like how you were cussing and laughing in the phone. I'm a really hungry man and I need a lot of food. You better have our food ready for us at 9:00 when my wife comes down or I might have to come down there myself."

Oh course Josh had this on speaker phone and he was dead serious when he was talking. You could tell that Pat knew he meant business. So I hop on my bike and ride down to Cherries to "pick-up my food". When I get there Pat all yells at me that he thought it was a really order after Josh called. He had went up to Cami and said if you know anything you better tell me now before I have to cook all this food!
Oh course Cami told him it was me, but it was still really funny.

The funnier thing is the next day it was Rocky, Pat, and myself working and when it gets cold at night sometimes the cable the cars would drive over to ring the bell for the drive thru wouldn't work. Well this day it happened, so Pat wasn't able to hear the order through the speaker cause we took it at the window. So they lady ordered 2 strip baskets with each sauce in each of them. Well when I got back and tell Pat the order he doesn't believe me due to the fact the lady wanted each sauce in both of the strips baskets like in my prank phone call.

We had to finally drag him out to the window where he asked the lady what sauces she wanted and she told that he believed me.

Monday, June 29, 2009

The Christmas of Living Hell!

Well it was Christmas 2007 and we were living in Laramie, Wyoming at the time so Ryan could go to school at Wyo Tech. Well, the original plan was to stay in Laramie till Ryan was done with school. So for Christmas my family was going to fly down to see us, but my mom figured it would be too much to do that.

So, Ryan and I decide we are going to ride the bus home. Oh what a fun idea that was.

The plan started out as we would get on the bus in Laramie drive to Salt Lake City and get on another bus there that would drive us to Idaho Falls where we would meet my parents who would drive us to Challis. On the way home it would be the same but from Idaho Falls to Salt Lake and Salt Lake to Laramie. Sounds easy right.

Well, what happened was the first bus was to show up in Laramie at 1:00am. We were told to get there a hour early in case the bus to show up early. So we gt there at 12:00am. If you have ever been to Laramie, Wyoming you know it is colder then a grave diggers a**hole. So Ryan and I are sitting in his truck waiting due to the truck stop where the bus was to show up at was the only non 24-hour truck stop. Well Ryan's truck was also losing it's heater-coil which heats the heater. So we waited and waited with no heater. We wait there until 9:00am! that's 9 hours we sat there with no heater!!!! We then drive to the place where you get tickets in Laramie to find out where the hell the bus is. Well, guess where it was it was in Nebraska and wouldn't be in Laramie for another 3 days!

Ryan in his grandpa's semi truck

So Lucky for us Ryan's grandpa drives semi-trucks and he happen to be in Denver and had to come through Laramie to get back to Twin Falls. So, we hopped on with him and rode to Pocatello where we met up with Ryan's parent's boss who gave us a ride to Idaho Falls where we spent the day with his family. The next day, which happened to be Christmas Eve, my parents drove down and picked us up from there and drove us to Challis. the weather in Idaho

So you would think that was the worse part of our trip right? WRONG! So Christmas was fine with the family. We couldn't bring back all the stuff we got due to having to ride the bus.

We get to Idaho Falls to catch the bus there. we wait and we wait and we wait. It feel like dejau. Finally the bus shows up but(of course there's a but) there are only 3 seats left on this bus and 8 people need to get on. SO we get stuck waitting for a shuttle bus to come get the rest of us. That's another 30 minutes or so.

We finally get on the shuttle bus and we are on our way. We make it to Salt Lake in pretty good time I must say. We knew before hand that we would have a 2 hour wait until our next bus to take us to Laramie so we sat around.

When the time comes we get in line to go to Wyoming and Colorado. When the lady gets to us she asks where are we going. We tell her Laramie, Wyoming. She tells us oh this bus isn't going to Wyoming. Ryan asks why not? Wyoming is completely shut off due to snow. And we don't know when it will open up.

At this point I'm ready to cry, Ryan is pissed. He had to be back to school in 2 days and they are very strict on their policies.
So we wanted to visit my dear friend Cami when we came though anyways but we weren't going to due to the fact everything was so screwed up but now that Wyoming was all closed off we call her up asking if we could possible stay with her until the bus shows up. Oh course being the awesome friend that she is she lets us in.

Well we don't actually get to leave till New Years Eve. And normally if your bus gets delayed you get a like VIP boarding pass or something well our stupid driver from the shuttle bus didn't give us one so we have to wait for 2 bus loads of people to go before us. When we finally get on it is like 10:30pm and we had been stuck in Salt Lake for 3 days! We get put next to this really stinky guy(of course).

We got to fireworks on the way, which I guess you can say was the highlight of that part of the trip. We made it to Laramie about 4:00am. And we had no vechile at the bus stop due to meeting Ryan's grandpa at another truck stop. So we call up our friend and neighbor Steve. We ask if he will be able to pick us up? He says hold on. OK I can stand pretty straight I'll come get ya. Like I said it was New Years Eve so he was partying.

So he comes picks us up and we make it home finally! Once I get in the door I drop everything and go to bed for the rest of the day.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Proposal

Well, it would have been one year after Ryan and I started dating. We were on our way to Boise to spend Christmas with Ryan's family.
We left on the 23rd which would of been 2 days after our actually one year anniversary.

Anyways, the weather was really bad and we were driving Ryan's old Ford pickup. We make it to the Mackay Reservoir and Ryan says the truck is acting up. I'm like oh great. I am not a big fan on the cold at all.

So he gets out pops the hood and crawls under the truck to look at something. He yells for me to come out and help. I start cussing and complaining cause it is snowing and the wind is blowing. So I get to him I ask what he wanted from me? He said here hold this and he just brings his arm out from under the truck and he is holding a ring box.
I'm in shock. I didn't know what to say. Then he comes out from under the truck and makes and speech but I can't tell you what he said cause I was in such shock I don't remember. But I do remember him asking if I would marry him. Oh course me being in such shock the only thing I can say is sure (I still get made fun of for that). Oh course I cried too.

So we jump into the truck and start on our way again. As we get back on the highway I asked him, "OH what was wrong with the truck?"
He just laughs and says, "there wasn't anything wrong with to begin with."

Anyways, we make it to Boise later that night and he doesn't want to tell anyone yet. I say that's fine but that means I couldn't wear the ring.
We were staying at his grandma's house which she is super old fashion. Anyways, that night we were watching TV and Ryan, his mom, and his step-dad went out to smoke. When they come back in they are all happy asking to see the ring. So Ryan was telling some people he was just worried about his grandma.

Anyways as we were getting ready for bed we were trying to figure out the sleeping arrangements. See Ryan's grandma's house is 2 bed room. So Ryan's parents were to sleep on the pull-out bed, Ryan on the living room floor, and me in the spare bedroom. Well, Ryan didn't like this idea. He wanted to sleep on the floor on the room I was sleeping in. Since his Grandma gives into him so easy she said sure but he better stay there!
Well if you know Ryan you can guess what happened. He didn't stay on the floor. In the middle of the night he crawls into my bed which is only a twin size, but he said he was cold so I figured if he got out before his grandma woke up. He didn't. She comes in the wake us up to open presents and she didn't turn the light on at first cause where Ryan was suppose to be you could see him from the light of the hallway. She says, "Hmm I wonder where he could be?" Flips on the light, "That's what I thought." and walks out of the room.
Great Ryan and I ruined Christmas! OK not to that extent but like I said his grandma is old fashion meaning no sleeping together till your married and she didn't even know we were engaged yet.

Well Ryan got up before I did and I don't know what was said but I bet it wasn't the greatest.

Well the day after Christmas we had to go to the hospital cause Ryan's mom needed knee surgery. Anyways, Ryan and I went down to the gift shop to look around and I bent down to look at some books and Ryan thought I left so he went back upstairs. Well I call him and he said he went back thinking I was there. So we were meeting each other at the elevator and he says he told grandma about us getting married. I freaked!
Well, I get up there and i sit over by his grandma. She was working on a puzzle and didn't look up and just said, "So lets see this ring." I showed her the ring and she looks at me and says, "If you break his heart I will break your neck." NO shit she really said that. Just for the record I haven' got threatened sense.

How Ryan and I began

Ryan first moved to Challis in fifth grade. I didn't think much of him at the time since boys were still not that great to me yet.
It wasn't until our Junior year that I really got to know him. We had science class together and were assigned seats across from each other. I never talked to him until he started teasing me about my part in hair saying I was bald. I wasn't sure what to say to that so I didn't at first then I started telling him off, even though that's what he wanted in the first place.
But it was only in class he would be that way to me. Outside of school whenever I would see him he would be really nice. I would see him at the fire meetings that I would go to with my dad and Ryan was part of the fire department.
I also talked to him on Yahoo messenger. I only had him and one other person on there so I didn't have to many options when it came to talking to people on there.

Again he would be super nice to me on messenger. One day I was talking to him and one of my best friends. She use to date Ryan and I knew everything about their break-up. Anyways I was telling her all about what was going on with him and me. She said that I liked him and I should go out with him even though when they broke up she said he was a phsyco. I didn't think I liked him at the time so I said no way. But as I thought about it I did like the side of him when he was nice to me.
So I continued to talk to him online, then he asked the question, "so who do you like?" I actually like him and one other guys at the time but I never came out and said I liked guys when I did. I told him I wasn't going to tell him. He kept asking though. So finally I came up with an answer so I wouldn't come straight out and say I like you.
So at this time my computer would act up every once in a while and I wouldn't get a message someone would send me. So I told him if I told him then the guy would know for sure.
I figured it was pretty simple and he could figure it out, so i waited for an answer. It never came. So I wrote him back asking if he was going to say anything. Well he had sent a message asking if it was him but like I said my computer would act up so I never got it. So he writes is it Levi? Who is his best friend.
Again, at this time I was talking to my friend who use to date Ryan and I am copying and pasting basically our whole convo. And I went to go type on my friends instant message but instead it ends up being Ryan's and I write, "omg he is an idiot!"

Ryan writes back,"hey he is my best friend!"
I freak! I say oh I'm sorry I meant to write that to my friend about her lil brother.

So he lets it slide I guess and he asked so is it Levi? i tell him no and he says just to tell him.
So I get the guts and tell him that it is him i like.

There isn't anything wrote for a while so I ask if he is still there. He says,"sorry I have to go" and signs off right then and there.

I was terrified. I'm sitting there thinking, OH Shit what did I do. I told him I like him and here he hates me.

so i sit and talk to my friend about it and Ryan signs back on.

He starts talking to me again but I make sure not to bring up the convo about what I said. Then he says, "so you like me huh."
I say, "Yeah is that OK?"
He says that's fine but he can't go out with me cuz of wrestling."
If your from Challis you will understand the whole wresting deal. See guys here if they wrestle it is big. That is the biggest sport here in Challis. If your on the team you are focus hundred and ten percent.
Anyways I was crushed.

So a couple days later I get online and he is on again.
He says hey whats up?
I say not too much.
Then he says, i was thinking if you would want to go out with me after all?
I giggles so bad! I write yeah i would like too.
then he said he had to get off again cuz of his mom.
At this time it is the 20th of December so we have a Christmas tree and i thought i was home alone so i start jumping around and screaming when i hear a yell from downstairs telling me to knock it off.
I almost knocked over the tree!

See Ryan has been my first and only boyfriend.

So that night as I'm going to bed I'm talking to my mom and I tell her I have a boyfriend.
She is oh who is it? I tell Her Ryan Spencer.
I thought you hated him, she asked.
Well I did but now I like him.

And the rest you can say is history.

Monday, June 15, 2009

What this blog is

This blog is for me to write out things that have happened in my life that I don't want to forget. I'm writing it out in a way for me to remember and to share with anyone who is willing to care.