Monday, July 27, 2009

One Party Night in Laramie

Well it was just one of the many nights we partied at Cami's house in Laramie. I though maybe it would be a funny story. It is now but I didn't think so at the time.

Anyways, it was Ryan, myself, Cami, Josh, and Cami's friend Mike at Cami's house. We were drinking and having a good time. Mike didn't actually show up till later so before Ryan and Josh were dancing to some country music that had a fiddle playing so they were drunk enough to play air fiddle. It was pretty funny, then they started doing the party boy dance. Ryan comes up and starts doing the dance near me then drops into an army crawl right on my foot. Now it wouldn't of been so bad if I was drunk too. You see Ryan can be very annoying if he is drunk and you are not. So I was a lil pissed about my foot hurting but I got over it.

So, Mike shows up and he is hanging with Cami and all of a sudden Ryan decides he is walking home. I run after him due to the fact he is still carrying a beer and he has no shoes on. He gets all mad at me as I'm jumping on him to stop him. He pulls me off then looks at me and dumps his beer on me. I say "F- this." and I walk back in. Well Josh takes off picks up Ryan on the way home. I'm not going to walk home so I jump in Ryan's truck and drive that home.
Well, on the way home I pass Josh's truck. He had forgot his cowboy hat so they had to go back. Figure they go back for his hat but not me.

Anyways i meet them at our apartment and Ryan is pissed due to the fact I drove his truck without him. Cami calls about this time to make sure everything is ok. I'm crying to Ryan yelling at me and Cami is there in a heartbeat. Thats why I love that girl.

Ryan has major mood swings when he is drunk so it passed by the tie she got there but he had to carry Josh up his apatment due to him passing out in the middle of the parking lot.